
Haseeb Ashfaq


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Ph.D. Computer Science candidate at New York University
Working in Systems group Systems@NYU
Office: Room 444, 60 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10011

Research Interests

  1. Computer Networks
  2. Distributed Systems
  3. Cloud Computing
  4. AR/VR streaming

Research Papers

Jasper: Design and Implementation of A Scalable Cloud Hosted Financial Exchange

  • Arxiv Link
  • Under submission

QuEST: Fast, Expressive, and Cheap Analytics for Distributed Traces Using Cloud Storage

  • Accepted at CloudDB Workshop @ VLDB'23. Link
  • Authors: Jessica Berg, Muhammad Haseeb, Haiming Chen, Yaojia Ju, Anirudh Sivaraman, Ravi Netravali and Srinivas Narayana

To Block or Not To Block: Accelerating Mobile Webpages On-The-Fly Through JavaScript Classification

  • Accepted at ICTD'22. Link
  • Authors: M Chaqfeh, M Haseeb, W Hashmi, P Inshuti, M Ramesh, M Varvello, F Zaffar, L Subramanian, Y Zaki

Using Application Layer Banner Data to Automatically Identify IoT Devices

  • Accepted at ACM Sigcomm CCR, July 2020: Link
    Also, a poster of this work got accepted at IMC Reproducibilty Track 2019
  • Authors: T Javed, M Haseeb, M Abdullah, M Javed

Ongoing Research Projects

High Performance and Scalable Multicast As A Cloud Service

  • Designed and implemented a low-latency and scalable multicast service
  • Used kernel-bypass techniques (DPDK) for achieving ultra-low latency
  • Achieved better latency and scalability than the multicast provided by AWS Transit Gateway

Real Time Volumetric Videos streaming

  • Designed and implemented a scalable streaming system that can adapt to network conditions and serve heterogeneous clients using minimal resources
  • Designed an encoder/decoder for point cloud data that can tolerate packet losses
  • Desgined a low latency transcoding mechanism for point clouds

Service Mesh Based Microservices Authorization For Byzantine Environments

  • Designed a new access control system, Path Aware Access Control that takes into account the path a user request follows in a microservices application before allowing it to access some microservice(s)


Networking Research Intern at Nokia Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ, USA

  • Led a project for designing and developing a streaming service for AR/VR content
  • Designed and implemented a scalable streaming system that can adapt to network conditions and serve heterogeneous clients using minimal resources
  • Designed an encoder/decoder for point cloud data that can tolerate packet losses

Software Engineer at PosterMyWall, Pakistan

  • Secured the product website by eliminating critical security vulnerabilities (XSS, CSRF, IDOR, potential Brute Force Attacks)
  • Designed and implemented an access control system for different tools of the company
  • Setup CI/CD pipeline along with a testing infrastructure
  • Created a disaster recovery mechanism for the company’s infrastructure hosted on AWS
  • Worked with various AWS services: EC2, S3, CloudFormation, CloudWatch, CodeDeploy



  • Approved by Nokia's Board "Wireline Networks Patent Board".
  • Under submission to USPTO.


Nokia Bell Labs Outstanding Student Research Award 2023

  • For my work on volumetric videos streaming.
  • Check out the wall plaque Bell Labs sent me.